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- Biblioteka Sopocka, Muzeum Sopotu
- Centrum Architektury + Radio Architektura
- Centrala - Mądre Komiksy
- Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
- Goyki 3 Art Inkubator
- Grupa Wydawnicza Relacja
- Księgarnie Świat Książki
- Krytyka Polityczna
- Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku
- Przytulas Przytul Książkę
- Świadomi Wydawcy
- Tajfuny
- Timof Comics
- Tu się czyta – Buka, Format, Tako, Albus, Druganoga
- Wielka Litera
- Wydawnictwo Afera
- Wydawnictwo Agora
- Wydawnictwo Akapit Press
- Wydawnictwo Copernicus Center Press
- Wydawnictwo Czarne
- Wydawnictwo Debit
- Wydawnictwo Drzazgi
- Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
- Wydawnictwo Hokus-Pokus
- Wydawnictwo Kameleon
- Wydawnictwo Karakter
- Wydawnictwo Książkowe Klimaty
- Wydawnictwo Literackie
- Wydawnictwo Literatura
- Wydawnictwo Marginesy + Wydawnictwo Kropka
- Wydawnictwo Marpress
- Wydawnictwo Mięta
- Wydawnictwo Pauza
- Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
- Wydawnictwo Sonia Draga
- Wydawnictwo słowo/obraz terytoria
- Wydawnictwo Smak Słowa
- Wydawnictwo SQN
- Wydawnictwo Tashka
- Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
- Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia
- Wydawnictwo Zakamarki
- Wydawnictwo ZNAK
- Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
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Have you ever noticed that during literary festivals you have no time to actually read? With that in mind, the #KoalicjaLetnichFestiwaliLiterackich gives the participants some free time. When not in a meeting, grab a book or buy one here, sit back, and read.
- Biblioteka Sopocka, Muzeum Sopotu
- Centrum Architektury + Radio Architektura
- Centrala - Mądre Komiksy
- Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
- Goyki 3 Art Inkubator
- Grupa Wydawnicza Relacja
- Księgarnie Świat Książki
- Krytyka Polityczna
- Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku
- Przytulas Przytul Książkę
- Świadomi Wydawcy
- Tajfuny
- Timof Comics
- Tu się czyta – Buka, Format, Tako, Albus, Druganoga
- Wielka Litera
- Wydawnictwo Afera
- Wydawnictwo Agora
- Wydawnictwo Akapit Press
- Wydawnictwo Copernicus Center Press
- Wydawnictwo Czarne
- Wydawnictwo Debit
- Wydawnictwo Drzazgi
- Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
- Wydawnictwo Hokus-Pokus
- Wydawnictwo Kameleon
- Wydawnictwo Karakter
- Wydawnictwo Książkowe Klimaty
- Wydawnictwo Literackie
- Wydawnictwo Literatura
- Wydawnictwo Marginesy + Wydawnictwo Kropka
- Wydawnictwo Marpress
- Wydawnictwo Mięta
- Wydawnictwo Pauza
- Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
- Wydawnictwo Sonia Draga
- Wydawnictwo słowo/obraz terytoria
- Wydawnictwo Smak Słowa
- Wydawnictwo SQN
- Wydawnictwo Tashka
- Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
- Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia
- Wydawnictwo Zakamarki
- Wydawnictwo ZNAK
- Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
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Have you ever noticed that during literary festivals you have no time to actually read? With that in mind, the #KoalicjaLetnichFestiwaliLiterackich gives the participants some free time. When not in a meeting, grab a book or buy one here, sit back, and read.
- Biblioteka Sopocka, Muzeum Sopotu
- Centrum Architektury + Radio Architektura
- Centrala - Mądre Komiksy
- Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
- Goyki 3 Art Inkubator
- Grupa Wydawnicza Relacja
- Księgarnie Świat Książki
- Krytyka Polityczna
- Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku
- Przytulas Przytul Książkę
- Świadomi Wydawcy
- Tajfuny
- Timof Comics
- Tu się czyta – Buka, Format, Tako, Albus, Druganoga
- Wielka Litera
- Wydawnictwo Afera
- Wydawnictwo Agora
- Wydawnictwo Akapit Press
- Wydawnictwo Copernicus Center Press
- Wydawnictwo Czarne
- Wydawnictwo Debit
- Wydawnictwo Drzazgi
- Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
- Wydawnictwo Hokus-Pokus
- Wydawnictwo Kameleon
- Wydawnictwo Karakter
- Wydawnictwo Książkowe Klimaty
- Wydawnictwo Literackie
- Wydawnictwo Literatura
- Wydawnictwo Marginesy + Wydawnictwo Kropka
- Wydawnictwo Marpress
- Wydawnictwo Mięta
- Wydawnictwo Pauza
- Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
- Wydawnictwo Sonia Draga
- Wydawnictwo słowo/obraz terytoria
- Wydawnictwo Smak Słowa
- Wydawnictwo SQN
- Wydawnictwo Tashka
- Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
- Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia
- Wydawnictwo Zakamarki
- Wydawnictwo ZNAK
- Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
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Have you ever noticed that during literary festivals you have no time to actually read? With that in mind, the #KoalicjaLetnichFestiwaliLiterackich gives the participants some free time. When not in a meeting, grab a book or buy one here, sit back, and read.
Polish Literary
Translators Association ADDITIONAL EVENT
11:00–12:00: Joanna Bernat, Agata Teperek, Marta Dybula
12:00–13:00: Anna Sawicka-Chrapkowicz, Maciej Studencki, Anna Moroz-Darska
13:00–14:00: Ewa Kochanowska, Magdalena Sacha, Anna Moroz-Darska
14:00–15:00: Małgorzata Kafel, Magdalena Sacha, Hubert Brychczyński
15:00–16:00: Maciej Studencki, Małgorzata Kafel, Hubert Brychczyński
16:00–17:00: Tomasz S. Gałązka, Martyna Tomczak, Aga Zano
17:00–18:00: Tomasz S. Gałązka, Zosia Sucharska, Martyna Tomczak
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- Biblioteka Sopocka, Muzeum Sopotu
- Centrum Architektury + Radio Architektura
- Centrala - Mądre Komiksy
- Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne
- Goyki 3 Art Inkubator
- Grupa Wydawnicza Relacja
- Księgarnie Świat Książki
- Krytyka Polityczna
- Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury w Gdańsku
- Przytulas Przytul Książkę
- Świadomi Wydawcy
- Tajfuny
- Timof Comics
- Tu się czyta – Buka, Format, Tako, Albus, Druganoga
- Wielka Litera
- Wydawnictwo Afera
- Wydawnictwo Agora
- Wydawnictwo Akapit Press
- Wydawnictwo Copernicus Center Press
- Wydawnictwo Czarne
- Wydawnictwo Debit
- Wydawnictwo Drzazgi
- Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
- Wydawnictwo Hokus-Pokus
- Wydawnictwo Kameleon
- Wydawnictwo Karakter
- Wydawnictwo Książkowe Klimaty
- Wydawnictwo Literackie
- Wydawnictwo Literatura
- Wydawnictwo Marginesy + Wydawnictwo Kropka
- Wydawnictwo Marpress
- Wydawnictwo Mięta
- Wydawnictwo Pauza
- Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
- Wydawnictwo Sonia Draga
- Wydawnictwo słowo/obraz terytoria
- Wydawnictwo Smak Słowa
- Wydawnictwo SQN
- Wydawnictwo Tashka
- Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
- Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia
- Wydawnictwo Zakamarki
- Wydawnictwo ZNAK
- Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
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Have you ever noticed that during literary festivals you have no time to actually read? With that in mind, the #KoalicjaLetnichFestiwaliLiterackich gives the participants some free time. When not in a meeting, grab a book or buy one here, sit back, and read.
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The Body and Writing
as a Battlefield DISCUSSION/THIS IS A REBEL SONG leading: Natalia Sielewicz
Emilie Pine
Ailbhe Smyth
Jana Szostak
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Niech sobie nie myślą,
że jesteśmy kolaborantami.
Protektorat Czech i Moraw h/HISTORY leading: Bernadetta Darska
Piotr M. Majewski
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people want to read?
Literature for young people
in Poland and Ireland DISCUSSION/THIS IS A REBEL SONG leading: Anna Czernow
Matthew Parkinson-Bennett
Marcin Szczygielski
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of Civilisation. What Does
Dorian Gray Tell us
About Today’s World? DISCUSSION / THIS IS A REBEL SONG leading: Karolina Lewestam
Chris Morash
Tomasz Stawiszyński
Tomasz Wiśniewski
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Rafał Hetman
Stanisław Rosiek
Wiera Meniok
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Translate? – a discussion
on drama translation
and beyond DISCUSSION leading: Michał Lachman
Barbara Grzegorzewska
Agnieszka Lubomira Piotrowska
Małgorzata Semil
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Polio w Polsce 1945–1989.
Studium z historii
niepełnosprawności Historical Award from Polityka Weekly leading: Władysław Władyka
Marcin Stasiak
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Rooms by Enda Walsh
translation: Małgorzata Semil
set design: Ewelina Brudnicka
direction: Janusz Kukuła
sound technician: Agnieszka Szczepańczyk
Room 303 – Krzysztof Gosztyła
Kitchen – Katarzyna Dąbrowska
A Girl’s Bedroom – Joanna Pach-Żbikowska
Enda Walsh is an award-winning Irish playwright and one of the most ac- complished writers of his generation. Room 303, A Girl’s Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Office 33A, Waiting Room, and Changing Room all premiered at Galway International Arts Festival between 2014–2020.
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Rooms by Enda Walsh
translation: Małgorzata Semil
set design: Ewelina Brudnicka
direction: Janusz Kukuła
sound technician: Agnieszka Szczepańczyk
Room 303 – Krzysztof Gosztyła
Kitchen – Katarzyna Dąbrowska
A Girl’s Bedroom – Joanna Pach-Żbikowska
Enda Walsh is an award-winning Irish playwright and one of the most ac- complished writers of his generation. Room 303, A Girl’s Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Office 33A, Waiting Room, and Changing Room all premiered at Galway International Arts Festival between 2014–2020.
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Rooms by Enda Walsh
translation: Małgorzata Semil
set design: Ewelina Brudnicka
direction: Janusz Kukuła
sound technician: Agnieszka Szczepańczyk
Room 303 – Krzysztof Gosztyła
Kitchen – Katarzyna Dąbrowska
A Girl’s Bedroom – Joanna Pach-Żbikowska
Enda Walsh is an award-winning Irish playwright and one of the most ac- complished writers of his generation. Room 303, A Girl’s Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Office 33A, Waiting Room, and Changing Room all premiered at Galway International Arts Festival between 2014–2020.
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Rooms by Enda Walsh
translation: Małgorzata Semil
set design: Ewelina Brudnicka
direction: Janusz Kukuła
sound technician: Agnieszka Szczepańczyk
Room 303 – Krzysztof Gosztyła
Kitchen – Katarzyna Dąbrowska
A Girl’s Bedroom – Joanna Pach-Żbikowska
Enda Walsh is an award-winning Irish playwright and one of the most ac- complished writers of his generation. Room 303, A Girl’s Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Office 33A, Waiting Room, and Changing Room all premiered at Galway International Arts Festival between 2014–2020.
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Pat Murphy/John Davies, Maeve (1982)
Pat Murphy’s first and most experimental feature film was informed by feminist debates on the objectification of women and by the unresolved questions of the relationship between feminism and nationalism, and between history and myth. Set during the Troubles, the titular Maeve, played by Mary Jackson, returns to Belfast after a long absence in London. She stays in her family home where her sister Roisín (Bríd Brennan) still lives with their father, Martin (Mark Mulholland); she also meets up again with her old boyfriend Liam (John Keegan).
Much of the film is structured around conversations between Maeve and these characters, who in turn represent varying and opposing political viewpoints. These are interspersed with flashbacks to Maeve’s time in London. Visually the viewer is forced to work at following the passage of time (the clue is in Maeve’s hair style) and the film is careful to avoid the conventions of mainstream filmmaking.
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Lenny Abrahamson, Adam&Paul (2004)
Friends since they were small boys, Adam and Paul have withered into two, hapless, desperate junkies, tied together by habit and necessity. A stylised, downbeat physical comedy, the film follows the boys over the course of a single day, which, like every other is'entirely devoted to the business of scrounging and robbing money for drugs. The difference, today, is that Adam and Paul - already near rock bottom - have finally run out of luck, credit and friends.
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Sean Breathnach, Foscadh (2021)
Set in the wild mountains of Connemara, Foscadh tells the story of friendless and guileless recluse John Cunliffe who is suddenly propelled into manhood at the ripe old age of 28. When his over- cosseting parents pass away, John inherits mountain land that is in the way of a lucrative wind-farm development, and he is forced to navigate the choppy waters of romance, trust and vengeance for the first time. The ensuing drama is a taut and absorbing late coming-of-age tale from the North western tip of Europe.
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A literary festival is not just about meeting writers or talking about books. Any festival is also about having fun. And if we know a thing or two about fun, it's that it means a literary pub quiz! It can be a great opportunity to test your knowledge of literature, but above all it will help you soak up the atmosphere of Sopot by the Book!
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not only for Lilliputians leading: Marta Jankowska
Family reading of fragments of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift and workshop.
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Ambelucja bookshop
Let’s Create Characters
From Irish Culture Together leading: Agnieszka Żelewska
Together, we are going to create some amazing characters from Irish folk tales using sticks, cardboard, paper and fabric. We are going to make a changeling, a Leprechaun, fairies, as well as a pooka and a banshee. Work- shop for children aged 4–12.
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Family reading of fragments of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift and workshop
This time we are going to visit the land of the giants, play theatre charades and talk about what it is like to experience the world from the perspective of a small creature. There will also be plenty of opportunities to learn about the everyday life of a sailor on the high seas. The event will be hosted by Marta Jankowska – an exceptional teacher, one of the leaders of the Gdańsk-based “Creative Pedagogy” programme, which brings together teachers looking for innovative solutions.
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Ambelucja bookshop
Can Your Heart Believe It? leading: Grażyna Rigall
A workshop inspired by The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers
After reading the text, we are going to think about why the main character put her heart in a bottle. Did she want to protect it, and if so, from what? What is the story about? Workshop participants will receive two-sided, pre-prepared cardboard hearts similar to the ones on the endpaper of the book. On the hearts, they will be able draw what is most precious to them and what they would like to keep in them forever.
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How to Translate
Northern Ireland leading: Aga Zano
On translating diversity, the unsaid and absence: a workshop on translation techniques, creative text analysis and the creation of translation strategies based on recent translations and publications in Irish literature. Participants will work on fragments of texts, look for solutions together and learn how to translate literary texts based on examples, sources and live text, with a particular focus on the specificity of literature, culture and identity of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Signing up for this event will be possible from June 18th thorough: https://app.evenea.pl/event/literacki-warsztatowy-aga-zano/
Advanced level of English is required.›
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the Eyes of Lilliputian leading: Marta Jankowska
Fragments of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift read by Wojciech Stachura (Teatr Miniatura). After the reading, there will be a workshop inspired by the adventures of the famous traveler.
What’s it like to be a Giant? – workshop for adults | hosted by: Joanna Trzaska (psychologist, psychotherapist)
What Do We Think of Adults? – workshop for children prowadzenie | hosted by: Marta Jankowska (Kreatywna Pedagogika)
The workshop for adults will focus on the different perspectives of experi- encing the world from the point of view of an adult and a child, a giant and a Lilliputian, and on how we bring those perspectives together as a family. How do we deal with differences, setting boundaries and creating rules? Does otherness make us curious or fearful? Are there any forbidden emo- tions in our family? Marta Jankowska, in turn, will explore what children like and don’t like about adults.
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Ambelucja bookshop:
Mysterious Snakes leading: Grażyna Rigall
The most recognised and popular saint in Ireland is Saint Patrick. He is most famous for chasing snakes out of this country. According to scientists, this is completely impossible, as there were and could have been no snakes in this part of the world during the lifetime of Bishop Patrick. Nor do they exist today. Since legends stimulate our imagination, we are going to think of what such snakes might have looked like. What colours and shapes did they have, and maybe some unique features worth immortalising in our graphic and artistic ideas.
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with picture book creator
Chris Haughton leading: Chris Haughton
Join picture book creator Chris Haughton for a fun family event full of storytelling, dancing, drawing and even puppets featuring all your favourite characters from A Bit Lost, Maybe… and Oh No, GEORGE! Suitable for ages 3+.
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Fragments of Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift read by Wojciech Stachura (Teatr Miniatura). After the reading, there will be a work- shop inspired by the adventures of the famous traveler.
What’s it like to be a Lilliputian? – workshop for adults | host: Joanna Trzaska (psychologist, psychotherapist)
What Do We Think of Childhood? – workshop for children | host: Marta Jankowska (Kreatywna Pedagogika)
During the workshop for adults, Joanna Trzaska, a psychologist, will in- troduce adults to the perspective and experiences of the child at different stages of development, and Marta Jankowska, a teacher, will find out what children really think about childhood.
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Ambelucja bookshop:
Portrait with a Pimple leading: Grażyna Rigall
Workshop inspired by The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray is not a novel for young audiences. Therefore, first we are going to learn what the story is about and discuss whether it’s okay to do bad things if you’re sure you won’t be punished for it. Or maybe you should always be good without expecting anything in return?
In the main part of the workshop we are going to look at an illustration showing the picture of the main character of the book. Looking at the image of a beautiful young man in a chic outfit, we’re going to think about how bad deeds could really affect the appearance of his face. What defor- mations and other marks could correspond to the wickedness Dorian did? Could, for example, a bulging eye be a symbol of an evil view of others, and a pimple on the tongue be responsible for gossiping about someone? Could a character turn green with anger? Using artistic means of expression the workshop participants will have the opportunity to present their vision of the picture of Dorian Gray.
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