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Prof UG works in the Department of Performing Arts. He was Deputy Director for Research in the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Gdańsk (2016-2019). He is a founder of the Beckett Research Group in Gdańsk and the Between.Pomiędzy Festival. He has published Complicite, Theatre and Aesthetics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), Kształt literacki Samuela Becketta (Universitas, 2006), and (co-)edited several academic publications, including Samuel Beckett. Tradycja - awangarda (UG Press, 2012), Back to the Beckett Text (UG Press, 2012), Beckett w XXI wieku. Rozpoznanie (UG Press, 2017) and Beckett w Polsce (Tekstualia, 2018). He is on the editorial board of the literary quarterly Tekstualia (Warsaw), a Regional Managing Editor for The Theatre Times, a member of the board of the Polish Association for the Study of English (since 2018), a member of the Progamme Boad of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre (since 2018), and a member of the Editorial Board of Anthem Studies in Theatre and Performance. At present his research concentrates on Irish drama and theatre.
fot. Ewa Wiśniewska