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How Does the Translator
Translate? – a discussion
on drama translation
and beyond
DISCUSSION 20.08., godz. 16:00 - 17:00
He works at the Department of English Drama, Theatre and Film at the University of Łódź. His area of interest lies in the history and theory of contemporary British theatre and drama. He is the author of Razor’s Edge: British and Irish Drama of the 1990s (Cracow, 2007) and Performing Character in Contemporary Irish Drama (Palgrave, 2018). He has edited an anthology of contemporary Irish drama Polityka, historia, tożsamość (Cracow, 2009), and a collection of works by Frank McGuinness Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme (Warsaw, 2012). His translations include William Hogarth's The Analysis of Beauty (Gdańsk, 2008) and Eli Rozik's Roots of Theatre (Warsaw, 2011). He has also translated plays by Billy Roche, Christina Reid and Frank McGuinness. He is a contributor to Dialog, Didaskalia and Literatura na Świecie journals. In 2020, he was nominated as a finalist for Gdyńska Nagroda Dramaturgiczna (Gdynia Drama Award). He runs the Łódź w Kulturze website where he publishes his theatre reviews.
pic. from the author's archive