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Maciej Świerkocki
Ulisses James Joyce
THIS IS A REBEL SONG19.08., godz. 18:00 - 19:00
A Doctor of Humanities, former university lecturer, translator of English-language literature, writer, screenwriter, critic, columnist, long-time contributor to Odra, Literatura na świecie and other literary magazines. He has authored five novels (including Ziemia obiecana raz jeszcze, 1993, and Naród zatracenia, 2014, with drawings by Mariusz Sołtysik), literary criticism books (including Echa postmodernizmu, 2010, and Łódź Ulissesa, 2021), film scripts (There and Back, 2001, Section 998, 2006) and over 80 book translations from English (including works by J. Conrad, H. Miller, J. Kerouac, C. McCarthy, J. Barth, J.L. Borges, A. Carter, J. Updike, J. Irving, M. Faber, P. Smith, R. Graves, R. Hughes, E. Catton, and R. Flanagan). He is also a member of Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich (Polish Writer’s Association) and the Polish Film Academy, honorary member of the Polish Literary Translators Association, juror of international (International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2014) and national literary competitions (Chairman of the Jury at the Julian Tuwim Literary Award, 2018-2020). He was awarded with the Gloria Artis Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture (2014) and a medal for services to the City of Łódź (2015). Winner of the 2014 prize, in the prose category, awarded by Literatura na świecie magazine. In 2019, he was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Prize for his translation of Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent. His new Polish translation of James Joyce's Ulysses was published in October 2021.
pic. Anna Świerkocka