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Piotr M. Majewski
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Protektorat Czech i Moraw
h/HISTORY21.08., godz. 14:00 - 15:00
A literary critic with a PhD in literary science, she works for the faculty of journalism and social communication at the University of Warmia i Mazury in Olsztyn, as well as teaching creative writing at Collegium Civitas. From 2002 to 2009, she was the editor-in-chief of Portret – a journal focusing on literature and culture. She has won the Polish Chamber of Books Laur prize for the most interesting presentation of a book and promoting reading online (2019). She has written nine books. Her recent ones are Maski zła. (Nie)etyczność postaw i zachowań jako temat współczesnego reportażu polskiego from 2016 and Młodzi i fakty. Notatki o reportażach roczników osiemdziesiątych from 2017. She runs Nowości książkowe – a blog dedicated to literary criticism (www.bernadettadarska.blogspot.com).
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